For the 3rd year in row Xomnia is taking part in the prestigious 7 versus 7 Footy football competition. Xomnia aims for the same trophy it won two years ago in partnering with 22tracks and empowered by delegates from Emakina and FHM.
This week the team won its first game after a challenging start of the season.
During the first half of the match the opponent - Team Coco’s - showed promising tactics but only managed to pass the Xomnia defence once. Xomnia’s first goal was made by De Schipper while De Muijnck and Loos both scored 2 goals later on. Coaching was provided by the injured mister Boon. Next Tuesday there will be a new match in which the ferocious former rugby player and Data Scientist Van der List will join the team to increase the overall pain threshold.

About Xomnia
Xomnia is an artificial intelligence consultancy company based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We are experts in data science, data engineering and advanced business intelligence. Our services include: artificial intelligence consultancy & projects, academy training's and junior development program. We'd love to share our knowledge with you, please get in touch.