We are very excited to announce that on the 25th of March, Xomnia will organize a datathon; a 24-hour event that will bring together the student associations of all Dutch Artificial Intelligence programs to work on solutions that support sustainable fishing practices.
A datathon is an event during which multiple teams compete, working on a case by analysing and studying data. The team that comes up with the best solution will take home a prize; in this case there is a total of €1.750 euros in prize money to be won! The case in question is sustainable fishing: increased demand has led to fishing practices that the ocean cannot keep up with, as explained well in this video by the U.S. government. The case has been prepared in collaboration with Hackitarians, an organisation that specialises in organising hackathons.
Xomnia hopes this event will not only make a meaningful contribution to the cause of sustainable fishing, but will also call attention to the fact that there is a real shortage of data scientists in the work field. We hope this event can inspire more people to pick up a keyboard and make a difference.
We are very much looking forward to the event, and we hope it produces new insights and avenues to approach the problem of unsustainable fishing. Please keep an eye on our website for updates and, of course, the results!
About Xomnia
Xomnia is an artificial intelligence consultancy company based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We are experts in data science, data engineering and advanced business intelligence. Our services include: artificial intelligence consultancy & projects, academy training's and junior development program. We'd love to share our knowledge with you, please get in touch.