With 23 Big Data pilots started in the last 1,5 years, municipality Zaanstad showed their ambition to become a data driven organisation. The first pilots had a lot of important learning points and were a way of getting more aware of the opportunities of 'big data'. Later on, the pilots had their first successes. At this point, municipality Zaanstad is ready to make the next step and feels the need to strengthen their data analytics discipline in the organisation to become more data driven.
Setting up the first Big Data pilots was a perfect way of getting more awareness in the organization of municipality Zaanstad. But now after the first success, the upcoming year Zaanstad will take big steps in securing these data driven processes in the organization, allowing even more social issues to be solved by using data analytics.
Tom Pots, Lead Big Data at municipality Zaanstad.
The board was delighted about the first results. However, the knowledge transfer derived from those pilots was limited, which inspired the board to allocate dedicated data science capacity at the municipality Zaanstad. This way all acquired knowledge will not disappear after doing a project, but will help the organisation to get more data driven.

Accompanied by Jan van Ginkel, director of municipality Zaanstad and visionary on public policy, whose statement is "Data, just do it!", Zaanstad is working hard to become a leader in the public sector. And during the last BigDataGemeenten-event, it was clear that Zaanstad is working hard on having accessible data via the ‘DataPakhuis’. Together with different partners from the local area, Zaanstad is trying to tackle social issues in a Data Lab. During the BigDataGemeenten-event, Jan van Ginkel was proud to announce the start of two data science juniors from Xomnia, Lisanne Rijnveld and Boris Stapel, who will strengthen municipality Zaanstad in realizing their ambitions.
Wondering what else was mentioned during BigDataGemeenten last month? In this link you'll find a pretty cool article about the event and the most interesting findings, written by Lisanne Rijnveld. Enjoy reading!
About Xomnia
Xomnia is an artificial intelligence consultancy company based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We are experts in data science, data engineering and advanced business intelligence. Our services include: artificial intelligence consultancy & projects, academy training's and junior development program. We'd love to share our knowledge with you, please get in touch.