What did they create in 24h?
1. Team A-Eskwadraat created a game: Grabbers.
Lukas Arts on behalf of the team: ‘Grabbers is a mobile game which simulates a social media platform. Instead of advertising this game as such, we developed a gameplay which draws the attention of children. In this game, a community communicates through a social media platform on which bullying occurs. The player is a spectator of this bullying and learns tips n’ tricks via a close friend in the game. This close friend gains the trust of the player and will also ask subtle questions about his/her well-being. From these questions, we extract a profile of the player and provide him with advice accordingly.’

2. Team Data Bullies created a platform: Iwitnessed.
Axel Goblet on behalf of the team: ‘We created a platform that unites people that have been involved with cyberbullying. Via an Android app, bystanders, victims, and bullies can share their stories anonymously. The system will show the user stories that are related to theirs, such that they can see that they are not alone. All uploaded stories will be anonymised by the system, such that all users stay and feel safe. The user is able to ask for help and advice through an intuitive chat service. If the system recognises signs of immediate danger, it will provide the user with contact information to helplines. Furthermore, users get the chance to browse through stories of other people and show their support. They can also share the story to other platforms like Facebook to raise attention to the subject.’

3. Team STORM created a Solid Socialysing platform
Pim Dijt on behalf of the team: ‘We created a platform to help the teachers get extra insight into the online behaviour of the students called Socialyse. The students will weekly play a mobile game in class, which will monitor their online social behaviour and how the students interact and make teams in different settings. With this data, the platform can classify the students as for instance being a bully, victim or outsider. Not only is this helpful for the teacher, the platform also has the ability to help the students with group-specific mobile games. This involves resilience training for the victim or awareness training for the bully.’