Big shout-out to Nijmegen for hosting last week's Big Data Gemeenten event! In Nijmegen's town hall basement, decorated with 17th century carpentries, municipality representatives from all over the country joined a diverse program full of visionary developments. The day kicked off with the host sharing its data-driven and cost effective approach to understanding and minimising air pollution.
The day continued with a wide range of content, from topics like Amsterdam's initiative in fighting traffic congestion in cooperation with Google, to Rotterdam's explanation of the gap between governmental policy and the publics daily reality, to an inspiring speech by the Province of Gelderland who succeeded in getting the worlds (!) first fully self-driving car on the public road! That's right, here in the Netherlands, we've got WEpods driving you from train station Ede/Wageningen to the University of Wageningen!
Google Netherlands posted a nice short video, explaining - in a feel good way - how to minimise traffic congestion, speed up journeys, improve safety, and reduce the amount of money spent on infrastructure:
It makes us feel humble at Xomnia to be the initiator of this Big Data Gemeenten community. Let's rock the next session, June 1st in Eindhoven! If you would like to join as a speaker or participant, please drop us a line at or register at

About Xomnia
Xomnia is an artificial intelligence consultancy company based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We are experts in data science, data engineering and advanced business intelligence. Our services include: artificial intelligence consultancy & projects, academy training's and junior development program. We'd love to share our knowledge with you, please get in touch.